Baby Nappies – Did you ever think that you would be so fascinated by what was in your baby’s nappy? Don’t worry; it’s both natural and crucial.
Since your baby’s poos can reveal a lot about their wellbeing, including whether or not they are well-fed and healthy, by way of their colour, consistency, and frequency.
You may learn everything you need to know about your baby’s diapers from birth onward with the help of our helpful nappy guide.
First, though, some professional guidance on your baby’s diapers throughout the first few weeks.
Clare Boyle, a midwife and lactation specialist, offers some guidance on what to anticipate with regard to your baby’s diapers in the initial weeks following their birth:
Your infant will pass meconium for the first few days after delivery. Meconium is a greenish-black substance with a tar-like feel. It is composed of amniotic fluid, mucus, and everything your unborn child consumed while she was inside of you.
As meconium originates in the uterus, an essentially sterile environment, it has no scent. On the first day of the baby’s life, we anticipate one meconium, two on the second, and three on the third. The bare minimum is that. Meconium’s presence indicates that your baby’s bowels are functioning normally.
From days three to four, a changing stool will be seen. The faeces will change from green meconium to a yellow consistency that resembles curry sauce.
From Day 5 Onward
The poos then turn totally golden by day five, becoming slightly fluffy and mustard seed-like. It’s typical for some mothers to get extremely worried. We are aware that the infant consumes the hindmilk. We anticipate a baby to poop three to five times in a 24-hour period when being nursed. This lets the mother know that her child is receiving adequate milk. In the poop is the solution!
We anticipate between three and five poos every day for the following four weeks. Mothers can anticipate that the poop will be half the size of a palm. That is reassuring since it demonstrates that the infant is receiving enough milk. Smearing is not a proper form of pooping. To track poos and feeds, you can use a journal or an app.
When a baby is four to six weeks old, the frequency of poop decreases, and it’s not unusual for them to poop twice in a day.
When poop is green in colour, it may be a sign that the mother is taking iron supplements, which may have an impact on the baby’s stools. Babies with dietary allergies frequently have frothy, green poop.
When they are young, formula-fed babies may poop up to five times per day, but after a few months, this may decrease to only once per day. Moreover, babies that are fed formula typically have more developed and odorous poop. Make sure the baby is getting the recommended amount of fluids each day.
Solid food weaning will alter the poop.
Whenever your kid begins solids, you’ll find that their poop gets harder to clean and smells stronger. Their stools will get darker and thicker as they expand their meal choices. Unless your baby’s digestive system is mature enough to handle foods with higher fibre, they will pass right through them.
What if your baby’s poop is tough and dry?
Your baby may be constipated if their poop is dark, dry, and firm in texture. The stool may resemble tiny pebbles. Constipation can occasionally occur in infants transitioning to solid foods or those fed on formula. That can mean they aren’t drinking enough fluids.
Small tears around the anus can occasionally result from constipation and can be brought on by a baby pushing or straining to expel their poop. You might detect a tiny bit of bright red blood streaking through your baby’s firm poop. Usually, this goes away as the baby’s constipation becomes better. See a medical expert if this doesn’t go away after one or two poos.
Floating Stools
If your infant is passing more than usual, more frequently, and with very watery stools, they may have diarrhoea.
Give your kid enough of fluids, whether this be formula, water (if above 6 months), or breast milk, to prevent dehydration. If your kid has at least two wet diapers and the diarrhoea lasts more than a day, call your doctor. If your doctor has not recommended anti-diarrhea medication, do not give it to your infant. After changing a baby’s nappy, make sure you wash your hands to avoid cross-contamination.
When to Be Concerned About Baby Poop
Blood streaks may be a sign that your baby has an intestinal issue.
Pale, chalky white poop could indicate that your kid has gallbladder or liver dysfunction. Medical intervention is required right away for this kind of faeces.
Black faeces: Once your baby has passed the meconium as a newborn, their faeces shouldn’t be that colour again, unless they are taking an iron supplement, in which case they will have dark brown or barely black faeces. It’s possible that black poop contains blood.
Because it arrived near the top of your baby’s digestive tract or intestines, this blood is black in colour. This necessitates immediate treatment from a medical practitioner and may be an indication of a sickness, injury, or allergy.
Contact your doctor if any of the following symptoms exist:
- Fever
- Vomiting
- sporadic, painfully big stools (impaction)
- Bloody stools
- enlarged stomach (distention)
- failing to flourish
Stop Nappy Rash
Trying to keep your kid from developing diaper rash in the first place is the best way to handle it.
- Change dirty or damp diapers as quickly as you can. Older babies require changing at least six to eight times per day; young newborns as many as ten or twelve times.
- Wipe from front to back to thoroughly clean the entire nappy region. Use baby wipes or plain water.
- Lay your infant on a towel and remove the nappy as frequently and for as long as you can to allow the skin to breathe.
- Sudocrem Care & Protect is a good example of a barrier cream.
- You can use a diaper rash cream to treat your baby’s diaper rash.